Phishing Scams

Don’t Fall for Phony IRS Websites

WASHINGTON – CORRECTED SPECIAL EDITION TAX TIP 2012-13 –  The Internal Revenue Service is issuing a warning about a new tax scam that uses a website that mimics the IRS e-Services online registration page. Read more

tax calculator

The Alternative Minimum Tax: Will it Affect You?

In your tax planning, don’t overlook how your tax-saving strategies might be affected by the alternative minimum tax. Read more

Is All My Income Taxable?

Generally, all sources of income are subject to income tax unless specifically excluded. Here are some sources of money that are not taxable: Read more

Forgiven Debt Can Be Taxed As Income

With the recent economic downturn experienced by many taxpayers, there is a tax concept that is very important: cancellation of debt. You would think that the cancellation of debt by a credit card company or mortgage company would be a good thing for the taxpayer. And it can be, but it can also be considered taxable income by the IRS. Here is a quick review of various debt cancellation situations. Read more

Tips for Cutting Costs in your Business

Keeping costs under control is crucial in today’s challenging business environment. Without a doubt, one of the quickest ways for a business to cut costs is through staff reduction. But cutting jobs is not always the best cost-cutting strategy. Read more