Entries by Keller & Owens

Tips for Starting a Home Business

In these tough economic times, many people are taking a hard look at employment alternatives — some, because they’ve lost their seemingly stable jobs in the corporate world; others, because they dream of striking out on their own.

Watch Out for Bogus E-mails

The e-mail from your bank gets your attention right away. It says you need to log into your account in the next 48 hours to continue your online privileges. Something about a system upgrade. You wonder, is it legitimate? How can you know for sure?

Six Tips for People Who Pay Estimated Taxes

IRS Tax Tip 2012-65 – You may need to pay estimated taxes to the IRS during the year if you have income that is not subject to withholding. This depends on what you do for a living and the types of income you receive. These six tips from the IRS explain estimated taxes and how […]